
Friday, September 28, 2012

First LiTTour traverse T&T Landscapes of Fiction

First LiTTour leaves Port of Spain for Mayaro via Sangre Grande

The inaugural LiTTour - Journeys Through the Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago  will kick off at 8 am Saturday September 29, 2012 from the historic South Quay in Port of Spain. South Quay is a landmark point of migration - entry and departure - in Trinidad and Tobago’s fiction.
LiTTours follows the successful book launch of LiTTscapes – Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago by Kris Rampersad and LiTTribute to the Republic with the aim of connecting literary with built, natural and cultural heritage and engage communities in appreciating, connecting with and taking ownership of local literature, writers and heritage.
Led by Rampersad, will feature author/historian Michael Anthony, and engage children and adults in both communities.
The inaugural LiTTour partners with the Public Service Transport Corporation Know Your Country tours  and will involve a guided tour from Port of Spain to Mayaro with a PiTTstop (the local term for a refreshment break) in Sangre Grande. Enroute and at both stops there will be readings and presentations on the landscapes of fiction, and entertainment that draws from local community talent. The LiTTour will also pay particular attention to two heritage buildings represented in LiTTscapes – the former Sangre Grande and the Mayaro Post Offices. The Mayaro building features in many of the works by Anthony, who will guide tour participants through the districts represented in hisworks such as Green Days by the River, Sandra Street and A Year in San Fernando.  
LiTTours is intended to generate awareness among residents and stakeholders to claim their heritage while bringing the writings about T&T closer home to readers in the hope of awakening communities and facilitating rural regeneration through literary heritage tourism.

For Further information  email

Five Year Old Child Stars at LiTTribute to the Republic

Introduction of the Author, Kris Rampersad
By Saiesh Rampersad (5-years old)
at LiTTribute To the Republic with readings and performances inspired by LiTTscapes – Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago, at Knowsley, September 15, 2012

Good day ladies and gentlemen, and children too. I am here to tell you about my Auntie Krissy.  I call her Krissy-wissy.
Sometimes, when I want to be naughty, I call her Christopher.
My auntie reads my story books with me. Sometimes we read the dictionary too! It is so much fun. You, and you, and you should try it sometime.
My auntie took me to Port of Spain and showed me where Trini writers worked at the newspaper.

She worked there too. “For peanuts,” she said.
“Why peanuts and not for money like Dad? I asked.
“Because people think writers are monkeys,” she said.
I laughed till my belly hurt. My peanut-crunching monkey-auntie is so funny!
I went to the library in Port of Spain for the first time with auntie Krissy wissy.
She tried to join me in the library so I could get books with a card.
Can you imagine the librarian asked ME for a utility bill?
I wondered what was wrong with her.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A LiTTribute to the Republic | Trinidad Express Newspaper | Featured News

LOOKING AT DISPLAYS: Dr Jean Ramjohn Richards and Dr Kris Rampersad look at display of books by
 T&T authors from the bibliography of LiTTscapes — Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago,
laid out at Knowsley in Port of Spain for the LiTTribute to the Republic on Saturday. —Photos: Kenrick Ramjit

Related Links:
See online profile Research Writings Documentaries:
Musical and Poetic Biography Tributes
Dr Shadow’s Snakes’ Symphony Tribute to Heroism in the Flood
Carnivalising the Constitution: People Power and the Pursuit of Happiness Congratulations to Dr Machel Montano:
Jus Call Me Cooligan Bois and Bacchanal in Meh Blood:
Ode to JurisPurdence:
Letters to Lizzie: Nikki Minaj/Maharaj Pound the Alarm:
Like coochoor? The Funeral Scores musical and otherwise: For Sir Vidia Naipaul
Reflections Death of Sir Vidia S Naipaul
Nobel Tears: Nobel Bard: Derek Walcott Sower in the Sky:
Prophesy A.Bourdain and Aboud. Port of Spain and Lebanon :
Yo Ho Ho Piracy and Heritage:

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rampersad: Claim our writers, recognise our heroes

We cannot continue to view ourselves through the shattered lenses of the past.” Dr Kris Rampersad, author of LiTTscapes Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago, made this comment at LiTTribute to the Republic. The launch was also twinned with Tea Readings with the First Lady Dr Jean Ramjohn-Richards.  She was joined by her daughter Maxine Richards and daughter-in-law Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards.
Rampersad said: “The creating of the society we want has to   read more below
Want to tell your life story contact us biography musical and other culture speifc and relevant forms See related Links: 
Related Links:
See online profile Research Writings Documentaries:
Musical and Poetic Biography Tributes
Dr Shadow’s Snakes’ Symphony Tribute to Heroism in the Flood
Carnivalising the Constitution: People Power and the Pursuit of Happiness Congratulations to Dr Machel Montano:
Jus Call Me Cooligan Bois and Bacchanal in Meh Blood:
Ode to JurisPurdence:
Letters to Lizzie: Nikki Minaj/Maharaj Pound the Alarm:
Like coochoor? The Funeral Scores musical and otherwise: For Sir Vidia Naipaul
Reflections Death of Sir Vidia S Naipaul
Nobel Tears: Nobel Bard: Derek Walcott Sower in the Sky:
Prophesy A.Bourdain and Aboud. Port of Spain and Lebanon :

Yo Ho Ho Piracy and Heritage:

Michael Anthony - save Mayaro post office

The destruction of McLeod House, Chase Village, Chaguanas, sparked a lot of furore recently. Historian Michael Anthony is now appealing to the relevant authorities to act swiftly to save the landmark Mayaro Post Office which he claims is at the point of collapse in his hometown.

 Anthony noted legislation was being worked upon to save these heritage treasures. “When it is enforced the people who live in these houses will have to look after them. I am hoping something would be done too because the house would collapse.” In the aftermath of the McLeod House demolition, Vel Lewis, National Trust and Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Arts and Multiculturalism, says Minister of National Diversity and Social Integration Clifton De Coteau plans to meet with with Attorney General Anand Ramlogan to “follow up on the listing.” Lewis said while “properties of interest” had been identified, there was an urgent need to concretise the formal listing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Dear Lizzie, Dunno if 2 say congrats or condolences ie on Forbes listing u among d 100 most powerful women of d world: to think that d list is topped by that German woman, and you, way down the line at number 25, after two wives of US Presidents, a pop singer, two TV hostesses and even some leading minions of your own empire – oh the horror, the horror! Is the sun setting on the British Empire?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Finding the nexus between literature, culture, heritage, tourism, development and leisure

Her Excellency Dr Jean Ramjohn Richards will collaborate with author, educator, and cultural heritage facilitator Dr Kris Rampersad and friends to host LiTTribute to the Republic on September 15, at Knowsley building in Port-of-Spain. The event is in commemoration of Patriot’s Month—that spans 50 years of Independence and the 36th anniversary of T&T.

The fund-raising tea readings are part of a number of events and activities planned to stimulate and renew interest in local writing, reading and literacy. It follows the August 4 release of Rampersad’s book LiTTscapes—Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago at White Hall, another heritage icon and is part of the commemorative activities of the jubilee year of independence.

LiTTscapes celebrates the creative imagination and the writings of more than 100 works by more than 60 T&T authors. “It is meant to recreate reading as a leisurely and enjoyable activity for all ages through various interactive events and activities including readings, tours, and shows. It also hopes to stimulate collaborations between and among the creative industries including music, performance, art, drama and film along with renewed appreciation of our built and natural heritage,” Rampersad explained.

Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, said LiTTscapes derived out of the literature of T&T and the inspiration that our land, our people, our culture and our heritage had provided to our writers. LiTTscape is available at Metropolitian Books Suppliers and other book stores.

• For LiTTribute bookings, tickets and details contact or call 377-0326.

Heritage can bring tourist $$

Sites can rake in tourist $$—Rampersad

Sunday, September 9, 2012
Dr Kris Rampersad
Neighbouring Caribbean countries like St Kitts and Barbados are “attracting the tourist dollars,” since they have done the groundwork and prepared their national heritage infrastructure so that they have been placed on the Unesco World Heritage List. Interviewed on Friday, Dr Kris Rampersad, chair of the T&T National Commission for Unesco, said T&T should do well to emulate those countries who have done the groundwork and are reaping the economic benefits.

Rampersad said, “T&T is a signatory to several Unesco conventions and by these conventions, we commit to implementing actions that would safeguard and protect such heritage—one of which is the convention and the protection of natural and cultural heritage sites. Although it has been in place since 1972, T&T does not yet have any site on the world list.”

She said despite our high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and rich cultural resources, we do not have a site on the Unesco Heritage List. Rampersad cited examples like St Kitts and its Brimstone Hill, Barbados, Curacao and Cuba.” She felt those countries had advanced because they took the time to put in place some of the rigorous measures and standards set by the World Heritage Centre.

Those islands and cities and countries are now reaping the economic benefits of the kind of recognition and attention that countries that are on the world list get. Rampersad said occurrences like the demolition of the Mc Leod House could be pre-empted and avoided if some of those safeguarding measures are followed: “Unless we set our national house in order and take care of those properties like Mc Leod House by instituting specific safeguarding measures such as a properly constituted list of national cultural elements that are in danger or in need of safeguarding, we cannot expect to reap the benefits of being admitted on any of these international listings. We need public and private and sectors and NGOS and communities to come together for this effort.”sites can rake in tourist$$ rampersad