
Books & Publishing

 Dr Kris Rampersad has more than 30 years' experience as a multimedia author, journalist, and literary educator and consultant. Among her most successful initiatives include collaborations with Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott and Sir Vidia Naipaul.

Literary Services, Campaigns & Advocacy

Dr Kris Rampersad has been involved in developing the publishing sectors, championing author, copyright and intellectual property issues.

Dr Kris Rampersad has pioneered LiTTrbitues. These include Global to Local LiTTrribute Events that engage with global themes and interests through oral and literary cultures and heritage in dynamic interactive sessions.

Dr Kris Rampersad To request Services and Resources contact here

Published Books

Dr Kris Rampersad  published books include:

Children's Fiction, Fantasy Festival Fables:  I the Sky and Me the Sea 

Literature, Literary Heritage, Literary Heritage Tourism:  LiTTscapes Landscapes of Fiction

Gender, Women Leaders and Development: Through the Political Glass Ceiling

Through The Political Glass-Ceiling captures issues of breaking the glass ceiling in politics. It advances understanding of the quest for gender equity. It presents the journey to leadership and the foreground to the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar as the first woman Prime Minister. It brings historical and socio-cultural insights to analyses and contexts of the role of gender, culture and geography in the politics of this developing country.

Literary Heritage Initiatives

Dr Kris Rampersad has created the blueprint for literary heritage tourism tfor entertainment and education for all ages, taking the classroom outside the classroom in virtual and physical environments.

 Find out more here: 

She has also created roadmaps policy, plannign and implementation initiatives for Latin America and the Caribbean..

Find out more about Dr Kris Rampersad books and publishing here

Visit Dr Kris Rampersad Amazon Author page here

Website:   Twitter: @krisramp

LinkedIn:  Facebook Address: KrisRampersad1; Facebook page:

4. Skills: Education, Information & Communication, Media and Journalism, Editing, UNESCO Mechanisms, Research, Analyses, MultiStakeholder Skills Development, Diplomacy, Multilateralism, Policy Development & Critique youth training and Development

Find out more about LiTTscapes - Landscapes of Fiction by Dr Kris Rampersad here