
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Two women not good enough - Dr Kris on Senate Appointments

two out of nine is tremendously disappointed...It is high time we move beyond the rhetoric and value and recognise the potential for leadership at all levels in our country's women - Dr Kris Rampersad Education, Outreach and Advocacy Specialist
NGOs on Independent senators: Two women not good enough by 20100613 The Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women is disappointed that of nine Independent senators named by President George Maxwell Richards, only two are women. "This is by no means intended to cast aspersions on the choices of Independent senators," said Network International Relations Director Dr Kris Rampersad, "but two out of nine is tremendously disappointed given that over the past few terms, precedent has been set to keep an almost 50 per cent gender balance on the Independent benches with four or five female Independent senators. "And it is particularly unsatisfactory, given the President's own acknowledgement of the lack of appreciation of the capabilities of women in our country at the swearing in of Trinidad and Tobago's first female Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar," Rampersad said. "We all heard how eloquently the President lamented the 'deficit' in the country's dealings with women and to quote him: 'There is no gainsaying that our women have made tremendous strides in the public as in the private sectors...and there have existed and continues to exist a certain reservation, on the part of men as well as women, in genuinely respecting the ability as well the entitlement of women...and many of us do not repose full confidence in our women to act independently of patronage of one kind or another.' "Given that, the network finds it very difficult to believe that the President could not find women in our population who could competently occupy seats on the Independent benches. "It is high time we move beyond the rhetoric and value and recognise the potential for leadership at all levels in our country's women. "Meanwhile, the network congratulates the announcement of Opposition Leader Keith Rowley to have its two female senators lead Opposition business in the Upper House with Port-of-Spain South MP Marlene McDonald as the country's first ever woman chief whip and Pennelope Beckles as the first female Senate minority leader. "We note that the People's Partnership has not yet named its full slate of 16 senators, and given its strong gender appeal in the campaign for the elections, we anticipate that it will ensure that women share an equal number of seats to men in the Government benches of the Upper House," Rampersad said. For more visit the GLoCal Knowledge Pot and make contact to support development of these archives for learnings and research. Two women not good enough | The Trinidad Guardian

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