Monday, October 4, 2010

Magazine lists Kamla among top female leaders

Magazine lists Kamla among top female leaders

Sun Oct 03 2010
The prestigious Foreign Policy magazine has identified Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as one of "high-powered heads of State (who) have bucked the trend" of male leaders. The periodical, which reports in-depth on diplomacy, economics and ideas exchange, has listed Persad-Bissessar in the company of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and other female leaders. The magazine did a photo essay on 15 female world leaders, under the headline "Women in Control." Foreign Policy noted that more than 75 per cent of parliaments worldwide are male.

But that trend has been changing in recent years, the publication observed. The magazine pointed to the fact that Dilma Rouseff was in line to be elected president of Brazil yesterday. The publication said Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar "has stated her goals in office to be cutting down on crime and slashing the island's 20 per cent poverty rate." Time magazine recently indentified Persad-Bissessar as one of the world's top female leaders.

Magazine lists Kamla among top female leaders | The Trinidad Guardian

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