
Friday, August 30, 2019

Demokrissy's Independence Migration Evolution into portal of the Unfettered Imagination

In celebration of Independence, Demokrissy is migrating!
 Loyal followers of Demokrissy have been enquiring about the State of the State at Independence.

While the State itself might be slow to evolve, we are continue our revolution, smashing walls and barriers (read more and Subscribe

Beyond the boundaries of of bias, prejudice, we are working to emancipate all from mental slavery.
We celebrate our Independence with our new home.
In the process of being fully furnished (find out how you can help) Aligned to this platform, Demokrissy has migrated to a new platform with room for our GLoCal Knowledge Pot. (
You can now continue to read and enjoy my blog and find out about new books, videos, media appearances and and multimedia publications and other offerings on the independent web portal and platform for interconnected actions at my GLoCal Knowledge Pot in this GLoCal Knoweldge Pot subscribe to
Here, Demokrissy now finds it place in a seamless tapestry of my global, local and Caribbean explorations, adventures, and multimedia interpretations and representations of muses, musings, museums.

Portal of the Independent Imagination, Unfettered 

Through this learning portal enter the world of the imagination with learning journeys into every sphere your imagination may wander; multimedia galleries and a lifelong learning academy with a learning laboratory of education and training offerings for all whether your are 3 or 103.

Flights of Fancy Fantasy and New Festival Fables

Neither Sea nor Sky is the Limit. You must have seen Munnie Take Flight, with I the Sky & Me the Sea, complete with sensational singalongs.
As my new line of children's Festival Fables take flight, so too, we offer freedom of flight unfettered to the imagination.We are cultivating intergenerational respect with a gamut of intangible learning laboratories, galleries, tools, skills, habits and practices. Knowledge and nerds find a sanctuary and a home at our GLoCal Knowledge Pot.  Find out more here.

We are bringing the world of disciplines, interests, thoughts and ideas together as the one nation, united and undivided, just like the first visionaries and dreamers of nationhood envisioned.

You can be part of this novel adventure!
Find out how you can become a part of these novel initiatives. There's something for everyone - every interest, every locale, every industry. See our novel partnership opportunities here.

Sustainable Development Platform

Explore our Sustainable Development Platform where we interact and interlock development solutions for the world we want. Explore its potential here: 

Teaparty's and LiTTeas and the Teacup Revolution

We know that the world has been overturned by teapots, teacups, teaparties with the breaking of bread and cake, and not only in Boston, America, Britain and France. So join our Reading Revolution and take a few sips of inspiration. Not through a rabbit hole but a cyber portal a wonderland of novel experiences to craft your own independence takes your through landscapes that are Local Caribbean and Global too.

A World of Knowledge 

Explore. Entertain. Excite, Educate. Empower. Engage with A World of Knowledge.
Here Global Local Caribbean minds will find a centre to unearth solutions to the complex dilemmas of our time. Find out more at GLoCal Knowledge Pot. (

Independent Trendsetting

And you know we have been defying Google's statistics and analytics because our reach exceeds our grasps and theirs, into the sphere's beyond Google and setting our own trends.
There have been many changes on the Google and those of you who followed through G+ can now do so through direct subscription mail.
There's so much more in store. Don't forget to subscribe to keep updated and keep in the know and keep ahead of the trends.
Stay tuned. Stay free of Mental Slavery! Happy Independence! On To Our GLoCal Knowledge Pot

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