
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Institutionalised Inequities on the Internet Dear Google....

An open letter to Google on knowledge equity through the internet in the Googleverse - partnering for paving a pathway and a level playing platform in the Post Pandemic Planet

Dear Google,

Thank you so very much for the beautifully illuminated GOOGLE candles that greeted me when I opened my favourite internet browser on my birthday....

As I huffed and puffed and tried to blow out them there virtual candles, Dear Google, I wished that in your great reach and might across this universe, that the same privileges and courtesies that you extend to select parts of the world, could be evenly spread, in other less significant and less recognized parts, like these from whence I am....

You see, while I have touted the tremendous potential and opportunities of the internet and new media and social media in leveling the playing field to equalize opportunities and create an equitable platform for all, that is yet to be realised, Dear Google.

See full letter:

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