Showing posts with label Carnvial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carnvial. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Education Creative Economy Culture & MASKS OF SATIRE RIP SIR KEN ROBINSON

A decade and a half ago I shared a platform with Sir Ken Robinson in the embryonic movement to advance the Creative sector through revisioning accounting, education, outreach, media and the creative arts. The imperatives for Novel approaches to #Education with the novel challenges of the #NovelCoronaVirus in the #PostPandemicPlanet evokes the reflections on this piece inspired by the foundational work we began in propelling the #creativeeconomy and the pitfalls therein for our developing economies at the #WorldSummit on #Arts and #Culture and the aftermath of #SirKenRobinson on his passing as we project on how we may move beyond the kiff kaff laughter towards effective and meaningful creative #development that would envelop #socialinclusion and #cohesion more presentations #webinars #seminars #workshops on request at the #Academy and #MultimediaGalleriesat the Glocalknowledgepot Sir Ken Robinson WorldWeWantPeople
The challenges facing education, the arts, culture and media for survi
val into the post pandemic planet inspires this recollection on the encounter and reencounter with education luminary Sir Ken Robinson.
The presentation on the prospects for the creative economy, revisioning accounting and representation still holds as we address the challenges of the post pandemic planet. For more visit

Requests Semianrs Workshops Webinars Courses all Ages, All Sectors, All Industries at The Academy at the GloCaL Knowledge Pot

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