Showing posts with label Ganteaume Kris Rampersad mayaro tomb Trinidad LiTtour LiTTscapes French France Marseille Heritage Caribbean Martinique history world unesco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ganteaume Kris Rampersad mayaro tomb Trinidad LiTtour LiTTscapes French France Marseille Heritage Caribbean Martinique history world unesco. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

VANDALISED Centuries-old heritage tomb spanning Caribbean global diaspora in 5 continents vandalised

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Defaced & Vandalised
Historic tomb of prominent T&T families in pieces

The marble tombstone of one of Trinidad and Tobago’s oldest, wealthiest and most influential lineages involving the genealogies of some 20 prominent families with ancestral ties through European, North and South American, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, has been vandalised and defaced.
We discovered this on the inaugural LiTTour – Journeys Through the Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago, on our way to ‘save’ another heritage building - the old Mayaro Post Office which is represented as a key literary house in my book LiTTscapes – Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago as the setting of several of the novels and short stories of Michael Anthony.
The lineage represented by the tombstone of the first family of Ganteaumes in Mayaro includes admirals and captains, planters and slaves, legislators, ministers of government and the church, clergymen, businessmen, judges, media moguls, derby winners, sportsmen
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