Showing posts with label Gender Empowerment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gender Empowerment. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Go Barefoot for Human Rights

‘Barefoot and pregnant’ is an image that has been associated with disempowered women, dependent and entangled in a cycle of poverty, frustration and self-negation from limited life chances resulting from unplanned, unaffordable pregnancies. Similarly, aspects of the feminist movement have also frowned on lengthening and thinning heels on women’s shoes as similar representations of internalised repressions. In fact, shoes and rising heels have been associated with improved standards of living and lifestyles that allow persons to afford shoes to protect themselves from dreaded poverty-associated diseases, and the roughness of the ground.

Now leading women in the civil society movement have adopted the metaphor – at least half of it, ‘barefoot’ – and extended it, to remind the world of the violations of human rights around the world. Go barefoot – lose your shoes is the rallying call to the world to remind ourselves of these violations. Led by CIVICUS - a world alliance of civil society interests, based in South Africa and headed by Ingrid Srinath – men and boys, women and girls shed their shoes and trekked barefooted through most of the CIVICUS World Assembly activities in Montreal recently, to signal their commitment to defending the rights of persons around the world.
On Human Rights Day, December, 10 – mark the date - the CIVICUS led campaign - Every Human Has Rights – will rally people to focus, even for a few moments, to think about other people whose rights have been violated in the hope of building understanding and to begin to make the fight for human rights part of everyone’s lives. This year’s rally around the slogan Go Barefoot – Lose Your Shoes, will zero in on people living in poverty – people who don’t have food to put on their table, let alone shoes to put on their feet.
In particular, we may want to think of the women and children in the some 20 percent of the population of Trinidad and Tobago whose existence hover around the ‘poverty line’.
I have found that more horrifying than what is conjured by the metaphor of ‘barefoot and pregnant’, is the statistic – of 20 percent of our population being barely able to afford life’s basics , given that T&T’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head is said to be some USD 20,000. In lay terms, that means, that if this country’s wealth was more equitably distributed, every individual will be earning some TTD 120,000 a year.
Human Rights day was introduced to keep focus on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the anniversary of this Declaration with its 30 Articles of the rights of men and women. In printed form, the 9 cm by 12 cm booklet of 15 pages defines human rights as right to life, liberty, security, property, education, equality before law, freedom of thought, religion, opinion, peaceful assembly, political participation, equal pay for equal work, right to join trade unions, right to a standard of living adequate for health and well being.
Other less known, are ‘right to nationality’, family, equal access to the public service, free development of personality and right to protection of moral and material interests from any scientific, literary or artistic production.
Trinbagonians, with the endemic liming culture would be pleased to know it also includes the right to participate in cultural life, enjoy the arts, share in scientific achievement as well as – note this –“rights to the freedom to rest and leisure and periodic holidays with pay.”
It is clear that many of these rights still point to the unequal status of women in many parts of the world where women still do not enjoy right to property, freedom of thought, equal pay for equal work, and right to enjoy adequate standard of living for health and well being and access to social and public services and utilities, and many have no prospect of experiencing “rights to the freedom to rest and leisure and periodic holidays with pay.”
Go Barefoot, lose your shoes, is based on the belief that the world would be a better place if every person walked a mile in another person’s. Wouldn’t it? Try it and at noon on December 10, take off your shoes, step out onto the street and walk around the to reognise that Every Human Have Rights. Some details in the box on what you can do.

Dr Kris Rampersad is a media, cultural and literary consultant, and author of Through the Political Glass Ceiling – Race to Prime Ministership by Trinidad and Tobago’s First Female.

For Gender and Culture Sensitive Analyses, Strategy, Education, Facilitation, Workshops, Outreach, Advocacy and MultiMedia Materials make contact at the GloCal Knowledge Pot  

What you can do:
1. Raising profile of rights
Lose your shoes and walk around your office, church, school etc, barefooted. Take pictures and videos to upload onto the Lose Your Shoes website.
2. Raise awareness
Stories and case studies online and used in digital promotions will help demonstrate that violations of human rights are one of the biggest obstacles to eradicating poverty and people action to uphold Universal rights.
3. 12 steps for human rights
Take the pledge to take the12 STEPS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS by starting with actions on the day and then throughout the year – one each month, simple actions from signing a petition, to attending an event or watching a video and sharing with friends.
For more actions, see

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jamaica praised for role in making of first woman PM



The only woman among 15 regional leaders, Persad-Bissessar on Sunday celebrated her ties with the host country of the 31st Caricom Heads of Government Meeting, saying Jamaica, where she lived for 14 years, influenced her career in politics. She also found love in this country, but did not say who had won her heart.

“Jamaica was once my home for some 14 years. I studied here, fell in love here, taught here and attended my first political meeting right here in Jamaica. So in a sense one can say that Jamaica helped prepare me in becoming Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. I guess if my political opponents knew this would occur they would have done everything in their power to ensure I stayed right here,” Persad-Bissessar said in her debut address to Caricom leaders at the Half Moon Hotel at Montego Bay.

She observed she had a personal connection to another Caricom country, Barbados where her son Kris was born.

“May I add that I also spent a few years in Barbados as well, in fact, my son is Barbadian born. And I believe such experiences help to sharpen an understanding of that unique Caribbean identity and perspective,” Persad-Bissessar said, who is married to Dr Gregory Bissessar.

She learnt many life lessons from her years in Jamaica and Barbados which contributed to her ascendancy as a leader in Trinidad and Tobago.

“During those early periods of my life I never dreamt I would be one day addressing such an esteemed group of Caribbean leaders at all, much less as Prime Minister of my nation.

But I guess one can never underestimate the education of a Caribbean experience, especially that of a woman who encounters it,” she said.

Although she leads a new government in Trinidad and Tobago, Persad-Bissessar assured this country remains committed to supporting its Caricom neighbours, pausing to extend her sympathy to President of Haiti Rene Preval over the devastating earthquake which killed thousands in the impoverished nation on January 12.

“The fortitude, dignity and resilience demonstrated by the people of our sister isle state of Haiti in the wake of this terrible event have won profound respect,” she said, renewing a pledge to continue to provide aid to Haiti.

Persad-Bissessar said Caricom remains a symbol “for an improved quality of life for all in the region”, and made an appeal for leaders to “reduce poverty throughout the community so that all our people can enjoy a higher standard of living”.

She held up several early initiatives of her government as examples, such as the $100 million Life Fund, proposing a similar Caricom Life Fund to help provide better care for sick children. President of Guyana Bharrat Jagdeo welcomed this proposal yesterday saying his country is now pursuing similar initiatives. Jagdeo also said greater effort must be made to protect women who are single heads of households in the region.

Jagdeo himself came in for praise from Persad-Bissessar, who commended him for receiving the Champion of the Earth award from the United Nations for Guyana’s low carbon emission programme.

As Guyana has done, Trinidad and Tobago too is adopting measures to protect the environment, such as the Clean Up and Beautify initiative which the Government launched on June 27, Persad-Bissessar told the leaders.

Stating it was the “largest collaborative effort between government and the private sector ever introduced”, Persad-Bissessar also disclosed plans to introduce tough anti-littering legislation, and again held such programmes up as examples that could be implemented across the Caribbean.

“I long for the day when I can learn of a pan-Caribbean approach within a specific initiative in dealing with environmental issues,” she said, further stating that the resources of the Petroleum Fund should be allocated to promote sustainable development of the region, as well as education. It can also be used to support a Caricom Life Fund, she suggested.

Noting her role as lead Caricom Prime Minister with responsibility for matters relating to Crime and Security, Persad-Bissessar again called for cooperation among states to “strengthen the peace and security of the region”.

“In the Caribbean, guaranteeing public safety cannot be confined to military and police action. The dimensions of criminal activity are increasingly associated with human trafficking, repatriation of deportees, money laundering, the trade of illicit drugs and firearms and other forms of organised crime and terrorism.

“Trinidad and Tobago remains committed to bolstering the security of the region as it is one of the cornerstones which must be strengthened to ensure that the foundation for the collective prosperity of our region remains solid,” she said.

Commending Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Jamaica Bruce Golding said Caricom is fortunate to have her as one of its leaders as the regional body faces a defining moment in its history.

“I want to congratulate her on her historic achievement. My colleague Heads and I look forward to the wisdom which she will bring to our deliberations. Trinidad and Tobago has always played a significant role in Caricom and we have every confidence that it will continue to do so under her leadership.”

Golding thanked Persad-Bissessar for accepting his invitation to remain in Jamaica after the Caricom meeting ends tomorrow for a two-day working visit.
“We have so many things to discuss,” he stated. Persad-Bissessar is expected to discuss the Caribbean Airlines-Air Jamaica arrangement when she meets Golding.

for more go to:

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