Showing posts with label States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label States. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Making local government work

Towards meaningful local government reform

Talk of proportional representation in the local government system has so far focussed on the political party system, a means of really entrenching the ills of a system that already places too much emphasis on the political party system. There are alternatives for more effective local government reform that would allow local communities ways of more actively getting involved in the running of localised affairs which it might be useful to consider as we talk of local government reform rather than the continued centralisation modes we have been drifting into over the last few decades.
The issues touch on financing and resourcing development at local level; management issues that promote nonpartisan local government system, rationalising overlaps in jurisdiction among others which have not even made it into the election campaign.  As we move full gear into local government elections it may be useful to consider some of the recommendations for local government reform that allows for decentralisation which is a commitment successive governments have made at various Summits of the Americas, Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings, UN General Assemblies etc but which remain sitting on shelves like this report I prepared for through the Active Democracy Network of the Organisation of American States ...  on  enhancing participation in Local Government and decentralising to allow for more meaningful   
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