Showing posts with label Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strategy. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2011

100 Days-100 Ways for UN Women. Stimulating the gender agenda

The challenge to the gender agenda is real to impact effective change.

Deeper analyses on capacity of women leaders for change; challenges, solutions given belief that even where women’s leadership and participation have increased, there has not been concurrent impact on their spheres of leadership. As primary transmitters of culture, knowledge, education, women have not been changing, but replicating and transferring habits, beliefs and practices that promote inequalities to the boys as much as girls. Address perceived lack of impact women leaders have been making in their spheres beyond the victims’ veil/as recipients to shapers and molders of modes/models of governance to direct targeted programmes/actions and meet targets for gender equity.

Listen: Changing the Conversation Gender & Development at Inauguration of First Female President

“100 Days → 100 Ways” for UN Women e-camp@ign launched!

The official launch of UN Women, the United Nations entity for gender equality and women’s empowerment, took place on Thursday, February 24th, marking a new era for women not only at the UN but around the world. The event, “Honouring the Past:  Envisioning the Future for Women and Girls,” was an historic occasion. The new women’s entity is now in the midst of its first 100 days and in the process of developing its strategic plan. Now is the time to provide inputs and suggestions to UN Women on how it can best serve the needs of women and girls around the world. What type of new UN Women are you envisioning? What concrete suggestions can you provide to Ms. Michelle Bachelet, the new Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women? 

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day this year on March 8th, and the first 100 days of the new UN women’s entity, the “100 Days → 100 Ways” for UN Women e-camp@ign is being launched to collect over 100 contributions from around the world on how the UN Women can better serve women, promote women’s human rights and be a champion for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. These contributions will be directed to, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, and delivered to the UN Women.  March 8th will be a day of action for the “100 Days → 100 Ways” e-camp@ign.  

At the UN Commission on the Status of Women at the UN Headquarters in New York, the Feminist Task Force of the Global Call to Action against Poverty, organizers of the “100 Days → 100 Ways” e-camp@ign is being formally announce the “100 Days → 100 Ways” e-camp@ign at the Grassroots Women’s Speakout on UN Women event on Wednesday, March 2nd which Ms. Bachelet will attend.  The final compilation of the 100 Days -> 100 Ways e-camp@ign will be delivered at the end of the 100 Days in April.  

Deeper analyses on capacity of women leaders for change; challenges, solutions given belief that even where women’s leadership and participation have increased, there has not been concurrent impact on their spheres of leadership. As primary transmitters of culture, knowledge, education, women have not been changing, but replicating and transferring habits, beliefs and practices that promote inequalities to the boys as much as girls. Address perceived lack of impact women leaders have been making in their spheres beyond the victims’ veil/as recipients to shapers and molders of modes/models of governance to direct targeted programmes/actions and meet targets for gender equity.

Dr Kris Rampersad,
Media, Cultural and Literary Consultant
Author: Through the Political Glass Ceiling & Finding a Place
International Relations Director, Network of NGOs of Trinidad & Tobago for the Advancement of Women

100 Days-100 Ways for UN Women: “100 Days → 100 Ways” for UN Women e-camp@ign launched!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Groups question success of Trinidad summit -

Groups question success of Trinidad summit

Published: Wednesday | April 22, 2009

Trinidad and Tobago's Prime Minister Patrick Manning signs the final declaration of the fifth Summit of the Americas in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Sunday, April 19. Manning was the sole signatory. The confab of 34 heads of government from within the hemisphere was overshadowed by Cuba, and Hugo Chávez, who grabbed centre stage with the unexpected presentation of a book to United States President Barack Obama that detailed Latin America's beef with the superpower over many decades.

News reports highlighted the erection of a new wall that did not entirely block the urban blight of Port-of-Spain, others wondered where was the beach amid organisational glitches at the fifth Summit of the Americas.

Now civil society groups in the Americas said Tuesday they were still awaiting the promised action and implementation plan that was supposed to have emerged from the Fifth Summit of the Americas and the Port-of-Spain Declaration.

Sole signatory

Trinidad's Patrick Manning was the sole signatory to the declaration.

The Active Democracy Network (ADN), whose membership spans 24 countries said it had expected more of a commitment on a number of issues including poverty alleviation from the western hemispheric leaders.

"In the areas where we expected assigned deadlines and responsibilities, the Summit merely adopts UN deadline of 2015 for the alleviation of poverty and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals at a time when the UN is itself reviewing that deadline - just five years away," said ADN spokesperson Dr Kris Rampersad.

Strategic actions

"The only clauses that assert accountability from governments are Clause 66, which merely 'instructs' governments to meet again in 2010 on the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS); Clause 90, which calls on 'the technical secretariats of all Inter-American Ministerial Meetings to inform their ministers and high level authorities of the mandates arising from this summit and to initiate strategic actions, by the end of 2009, to facilitate the implementation of our commitments."

Clause 99 instructs ministers of finance or pertinent authorities to convene a meeting in 2010 to address regional financial and economic issues.

But: "Will the financial and economic crisis wait until we reach to Clause 99 and 2010?," said Rampersad, reeling off a series of questions on the action plan post summit, Caribbean priorities, and solutions and projects identified for food, energy and environmental crises.

97 new commitments

"These are questions that remain unanswered in the Declaration. In essence, it implies that we seem to have held a Summit to instruct all attending to commit to meet again," said Rampersad.

The Port-of-Spain Declaration, she said, was no different than the some 634 mandates and commitments that governments of the region have signed on to over the last four summits, on which some 60 per cent of the governments have taken no action.

"This Summit, in fact, adds 97 more commitments to the 634 others, while leaving open the questions of who is going to implement them, given the token signing of the declaration by the Chair, Prime Minister Patrick Manning, seemingly on behalf of the meeting," said Rampersad.


Jamaica Gleaner News - Groups question success of Trinidad summit - Business - Wednesday | April 22, 2009

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