Showing posts with label Tewarie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tewarie. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Finding the nexus between literature, culture, heritage, tourism, development and leisure

Her Excellency Dr Jean Ramjohn Richards will collaborate with author, educator, and cultural heritage facilitator Dr Kris Rampersad and friends to host LiTTribute to the Republic on September 15, at Knowsley building in Port-of-Spain. The event is in commemoration of Patriot’s Month—that spans 50 years of Independence and the 36th anniversary of T&T.

The fund-raising tea readings are part of a number of events and activities planned to stimulate and renew interest in local writing, reading and literacy. It follows the August 4 release of Rampersad’s book LiTTscapes—Landscapes of Fiction from Trinidad and Tobago at White Hall, another heritage icon and is part of the commemorative activities of the jubilee year of independence.

LiTTscapes celebrates the creative imagination and the writings of more than 100 works by more than 60 T&T authors. “It is meant to recreate reading as a leisurely and enjoyable activity for all ages through various interactive events and activities including readings, tours, and shows. It also hopes to stimulate collaborations between and among the creative industries including music, performance, art, drama and film along with renewed appreciation of our built and natural heritage,” Rampersad explained.

Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, said LiTTscapes derived out of the literature of T&T and the inspiration that our land, our people, our culture and our heritage had provided to our writers. LiTTscape is available at Metropolitian Books Suppliers and other book stores.

• For LiTTribute bookings, tickets and details contact or call 377-0326.

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