Showing posts with label culture shift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture shift. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Politics of Disempowerment & the Inheritance from Independent Colonials

The Challenge of countries previously ruled despotically, as colonies, and now navigating through new-found independent status with no long-established institutions or freedoms, they allowed for information to easily be manipulated or commandeered by power groups. Demokrissy reflects on 58 years of Independence from Colonial Rule and the realities confronting developing societies in not just post colonial period but now projecting to the post pandemic planet. Read more at the Academy at GloCal Knowledge Pot linked here
Demokrissy remains the go to consultative platform on issues affecting the developing world, small island states and the underprivilenged, marginalised, disenfranchised and dispossessed. For more analyses, and to request webinars, seminars, workshops, courses, analyses and perspectives See parent site at the GloCaL Knowledge Pot linked here

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