Showing posts with label lifelong learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifelong learning. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Learning Revolution: MultipleChoice in a MultiCultural Place 1845-20...

MultipleChoice navigates through ethnic & religious dissension to draw readers into layers of the learning fabric & intricately interwoven diverse tracks of knowledge transmission embedded in festivals, rituals, beliefs, languages & lifestyles embroidered on a shared educational, cultural & ecological tapestry. From these Dr Rampersad draws significant lessons for societies newly challenged by multiculturalism.
This unfolds from the canvas of traumas and triumphs of settlement, adaptation & accommodation that faced post-colonial societies of Latin America and the Caribbean. It shifts the focus from lament to praise song in the integration of traditional learning systems into new ones, evolving to meet the challenges of the 21st century. History, heritage & legacies lace research into a fine filigree of oral storytelling & social lore on how the experiences from colonisation may inform the emergence from the pandemic as stronger more resilient societies through technology-driven learning processes & systems that value multicultural traditions. More at Subscribe for texts, tools, templates and talks.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Youth Elderly Post Pandemic Planet Resistance Project

Youth Elderly Post Pandemic Planet Resistance Project: With COVID-19 social distancing, gaps between generations expands as elders become high risk group. GloCal redress actions bridging intergenerational divide.

The new COVID-19 threat is not just a health pandemic but a socio-cultural, economic and political one as well. It is upturning the way of life of the world, leaving many sectors grasping for foundation.
Futuring it may mean that many communities may have to turn inwards towards their own knowledge, skills, experiences, tools and resources to meet their needs.  Join the Global Local Caribbean GloCal COVID Post Pandemic Planet Challenge, FEDs Any Age, Any Interest, Any Community. Stimulating actions and education in preparation for the Post Pandemic Planet. Tips, Tools, Tests, Templates. Sign on at and stay tuned for more #GloCalFEDsCOVIDChallenge #GloCalFEDs #GloCalPostPandemicPlanetChallenge #GloCalPostPandemicPlanet #KrisRampersad

Friday, August 9, 2019

Our Novel Approach to Changing the Climate Addressing the Culture of Criminality

Children of Leela's Learning centre are glued to
Dr Kris Rampersad presenting novel ways of inspiration.
We have heard often enough the rhetoric that we cannot expect different results by doing the same things. We continue our solutions oriented approach to transformation and change through lifelong learning methods, with our novel angles and perspectives to reform the climate of despair to one of hope and nurture youth from ages 3 to 103 against the culture of criminality. And we remain hopeful that the apathy that has set in on leaders of industry, institutions, agencies and individuals, will begin to lift with this and our other methods. To support our efforts, read on... beginning at the beginning.
Read more here ...

To Learn More about the integrated approach to lifelong learning, I the Sky& Me the Sea, visit here 
If you would like to sponsor copies to schools, libraries and communities email
To find out more about LiTTscapes, LiTTours & LiTTributes is transforming the Global, Local & Caribbean environments and to partner and support these efforts  visit here

To find my new publication, visit Kris Rampersad Amazon Author Page
Learn more about Dr Kris Rampersad and how you can get involved here: 

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No medal for development of women at national awards

...recommended introduction of the award from the Women Agents of Change initiative it was meant to recognise the contributions to advanceme...