Showing posts with label parliament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parliament. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dana Seetahal on the law: The Law as an Ass ...view..

 Frank and fearless was assassinated Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal but what did she truly think and how did she really feel about the law, her profession and those around her, the judiciary, politics and politicians, the senate, security, crime, family and life in Stronger than Silk Postscript to Assassination

The May 4 2014 assassination of Dana S. Seetahal, Senior Counsel shocked not just Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean but the Commonwealth and legal fraternity of the wider world.
Stronger than Silk: Postscript to Assassination is a 90-minute up close and personal video by Dr Kris Rampersad with Ms Seetahal. ...Coming Soon. Visit our social media for more and stay tuned...visit;,  If you would like to book showings for your organisation, community or country and for other enquiries and support email
Soundtrack: Song of Songs from Album Sweet Salt by Neville Yorke, St Maarten.
A Leaves of Life Production. (c)KrisRampersad2014 All Rights Reserved

See Also...

Who Did It? Dana Seetahal's voice reaches out in her accustomed search for justice for all....
 from  Stronger than Silk: Post Script to Assassination   an exclusive heart to heart on all that matters to her including her relentless search for clues, connecting the dots and piecing together the evidence to solve a murder. To listen to clip click on the images.... To request a showing for your district, community or country email

Stronger than Silk: PostScript to Assassination: In an Exclusive Interview Dana Seetahal describes how she treated with the dangerous underworld and the hard core world of criminal enterprise where she functioned as a Prosecutor, Magistrate,along with the more mundane elements of her life.Click image on right to play Video

The May 4, 2014 assassination of Dana S. Seetahal, Senior Council and State Prosecutor shocked not only Trinidad and Tobago, but the the legal world of the Commonwealth and beyond.
This interview gets inside the heart and mind of the woman who was a legal giant in the Commonwealth through her description of the range of her activities, interests, thoughts and beliefs ...

...coming in July. Visit our social media for more and stay tuned...Coming in July, 2014. Enquiries and support email

Leaves of Life Production. (c)KrisRampersad2014 All Rights Reserved. 

To request a showing in your country, district or organisation, please Click Here.

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To request a showing in your country, district or organisation, please Click Here.

All proceeds go towards our Glocal open public education, awareness and outreach initiatives

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To request a showing in your country, district or organisation, please Click Here.
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Caribbean focus on state of archeology and prehistory from Demokrissy Blog

TRINIDAD-POPULATION-Heritage consultant wants comprehensive archeological survey of Trinidad and Tobago
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Apr 27, CMC – A heritage consultant says the recent finds of skeletal remains and artefacts believed to be early century BC  should serve as an opportunity for a comprehensive archeological survey of Trinidad and Tobago. (See:Them Red House Bones this site
Dr. Kris Rampersad said that the findings under the famed Trinidad and Tobago Parliament building in the capital, should also encourage tertiary institutions to establish “all-encompassing programme in heritage studies that incorporate research, scientific, conservation, restoration, curatorial and forensic study among other fields that would advance the knowledge and understanding of Trinidad and Tobago’s prehistory and multicultural heritage.
 “This also has value to the region and the world.  We have for too long paid only lip service to our multiculturalism. The find under the Red House of bones potentially dating to the beginning of this epoch points to the significant need for a proper survey and actions to secure and protect zones that are of significant historical and prehistoric importance,” said Rampersad, who has been conducting training across the Caribbean in available mechanisms for safeguarding its heritage.
She said one of the most distressing evidence of lack of attention was the state of the Banwari site which is one of, if not the most significant known archeological treasures of not only Trinidad and Tobago but the region and around which very little of significance has been done since it was discovered some forty years ago.
“ Why, forty years later, as one of the richest countries in the region, must we be looking to other universities from which to draw expertise when by now we should have full-fledged - not only archeological, but also conservation, restoration and other related programmes that explore the significance of our heritage beyond the current focus on song and dance mode? “.
 “Activating our heritage sector is not pie in the sky. We are sitting on a gold mine that can add significantly to the world’s knowledge stock, and forge new employment and income earning pathways, while building a more conscious society,” she added.

See Links: 
An Innovative Approach to LiTTerature in LiTTribute to the Mainland
ReflecTTions on Intrinsic ConnecTTions at LiTTribute to the Mainland:

Archeological survey of T&T | Trinidad Express Newspaper | News

Archeological survey of T&T

Bones beneath Red House, heritage consultant calls for...

IT’S time to stop paying lip service to First Nation people and move to protect this country’s history, heritage consultant Dr Kris Rampersad has said in the wake of the discovery of a set of bones beneath the Red House in Port of Spain.
Two weeks ago, skeletal remains were found beneath the Parliament Building. The remains were accompanied by artefacts, such as pottery pieces, typical of the indigenous peoples.
In her Internet blog, Demokrissy, Rampersad referred to the need for a comprehensive archeological survey of Trinidad and Tobago.
“This also has value to the region and the world,” said Rampersad, who has been conducting training across the Caribbean in available mechanisms for safeguarding its heritage.
“We have for too long paid only lip service to our multiculturalism. 
“The find under the Red House of bones potentially dating to the beginning of this epoch points to the significant need for a proper survey and actions to secure and protect zones that are of significant historical and prehistoric importance.”  
Commenting on another famed--but neglected--historical site, Rampersad noted the neglect of the Banwari site in San Francique, south Trinidad.
The Banwari Site was the home of the Banwari man, a 7,000-year-old inhabitant  and one of the most significant and well-known archeological treasures of  the region.
 Discovered some 40 years ago, little has been done to preserve and promote the site.
At a recent workshop, the potential of T&T’s heritage assets as UNESCO World Heritage sites were discussed, Rampersad said.
However, there was concern among Caribbean colleagues that this country was yet to move to effecting the research, legislation and other actions necessary to pin the sites as being of value.
Rampersad said Trinidad’s entire south-west peninsula was a key entry point in the migration of prehistoric peoples.
“So much of the history of the region is still unknown and so much of the accepted theories are being challenged,” Rampersad said. 
See Links: 
An Innovative Approach to LiTTerature in LiTTribute to the Mainland
ReflecTTions on Intrinsic ConnecTTions at LiTTribute to the Mainland:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Two women not good enough - Dr Kris on Senate Appointments

two out of nine is tremendously disappointed...It is high time we move beyond the rhetoric and value and recognise the potential for leadership at all levels in our country's women - Dr Kris Rampersad Education, Outreach and Advocacy Specialist
NGOs on Independent senators: Two women not good enough by 20100613 The Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women is disappointed that of nine Independent senators named by President George Maxwell Richards, only two are women. "This is by no means intended to cast aspersions on the choices of Independent senators," said Network International Relations Director Dr Kris Rampersad, "but two out of nine is tremendously disappointed given that over the past few terms, precedent has been set to keep an almost 50 per cent gender balance on the Independent benches with four or five female Independent senators. "And it is particularly unsatisfactory, given the President's own acknowledgement of the lack of appreciation of the capabilities of women in our country at the swearing in of Trinidad and Tobago's first female Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar," Rampersad said. "We all heard how eloquently the President lamented the 'deficit' in the country's dealings with women and to quote him: 'There is no gainsaying that our women have made tremendous strides in the public as in the private sectors...and there have existed and continues to exist a certain reservation, on the part of men as well as women, in genuinely respecting the ability as well the entitlement of women...and many of us do not repose full confidence in our women to act independently of patronage of one kind or another.' "Given that, the network finds it very difficult to believe that the President could not find women in our population who could competently occupy seats on the Independent benches. "It is high time we move beyond the rhetoric and value and recognise the potential for leadership at all levels in our country's women. "Meanwhile, the network congratulates the announcement of Opposition Leader Keith Rowley to have its two female senators lead Opposition business in the Upper House with Port-of-Spain South MP Marlene McDonald as the country's first ever woman chief whip and Pennelope Beckles as the first female Senate minority leader. "We note that the People's Partnership has not yet named its full slate of 16 senators, and given its strong gender appeal in the campaign for the elections, we anticipate that it will ensure that women share an equal number of seats to men in the Government benches of the Upper House," Rampersad said. For more visit the GLoCal Knowledge Pot and make contact to support development of these archives for learnings and research. Two women not good enough | The Trinidad Guardian

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