
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Beyond Despair The awakening with a sigh a song laughter lament tear thrill visioning the New Year

Through Sigh and song
Earthquake and earthsonng
Post truths and  premonitions
It remains a prophetic song, Sixteen Going on Seventeen as moving on from 2016 we begin to write on the empty page of 2017.
Though I am not sure it is anyone's wish to remain forever 2016 - a year many of us would like to put behind us as and the Sound of Music actress Charmian Carr did, saying So Long Farewell as we have all sung with her in the 1965 Rodgers and Hammerstein’s fidid on September 18 2016 exiting our life's stage this year leaving us to Climb Every Mountain into Two Thousand and Seventeen.
Does any expression more adequately describe or entrance into this New Year as the lines from that song for our world: 
 Baby, it's time to think
Better beware, be canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink
It may be well that we would wish to take some more lines off that  movie, Sound of Music, Let's start at the very beginning with the power that is within us all to be the change we want to be... and that emerging from the despair and darkness of a year that offered no hope, to one that seems to offer even less.
 Reviewing the old and welcoming the new, the end of one world order and the beginning of the new indeed it is let only on us we to make the new one sigh or a song, filled with lament or laughter, tears or  thrill - the answer can move us beyond despair with which the last year began and ended and offer hope in pitching for the new,in the evident awakening that is occurring.

While many face the prospects of diminishing prospects, job opportunities, one can summon up challenging circumstances, whether at personal, national or international levels, hope springs eternal if one can summon the strength within.
And who better to signal that, than one whose year began in despair and ends on a similar note at the sad state of affairs around us on very many levels....Yet, it seems to me that it is from such despair that hope springs.
Reviewing the posts of this year: the loss of close friends, and some, not so close and the celebration of new inscriptions, music, song dance, between the steupsing at the chupidty, 2017 is poised to be a year of awakening for not only teenage nations as ours which nevertheless still have the soundest lessons on addressing the thrills, trials and traumas of diversity and multiculturalism, as articulated here and elsewhere that older societies are only now rediscovering, as articulated in this post MultiKulti is Dead Long Live MultiKulti.
So to say so long farewell to the old and in with the new and wishing all peace, prosperity and progress,  I leave you with the inspirational lyrics for all times to face the challenges, and there will be many, I am sure, of 2017:
Climb every mountain
Search, high and low
Follow every byway
Every path you know

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
'Till you find your dream

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Every day of your life
For as long as you live

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
'Till you find your dream

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Every day of your life
For as long as you live

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
'Till you find, your dream!

Here's a review of Demokrissy despair and dances of 2016:

Welcome the inscription of transposed traditions celebrating wedding rites of passage to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage lists
the crowing crowning or clowning over the anointment and trump and trumpeteers of power and change
see links and phtos to some highlights from this year in Demokrissy


Dec 24

Nov 26
Nov 24
Nov 18
Nov 13
Oct 20
Aug 17
July 27
July 25
July 20
July 2
May 2
April 9
April 3
Mar 26
Feb 26
Feb 14
Feb 13
Feb 12
Feb 12
Jan 27 2016

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