Showing posts with label national geographic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national geographic. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Treating with Columbus and the Colonial Legacy of Heritage Trauma

Dear Mayor, and noble and other honourable citizens of the colourless world

I see there is a call for suggestions on how to treat with the colonial legacy and monuments - which must be close to the millionth such call to which I have responded. But now aware that there will be no action along the lines that I have used, tried and tested with other similarly trauma-inflicted communities of our region, I am not even tempted to point out that most times I feel like I have been talking to stone or that we only reaping the whirlwind that will continue to gather strength as we add fury to savagery, I propose the following as a preliminary list for your immediate action to assuage the bloodthirsty masses. I am sure these would meet with nods and applause of approval from noted historians, educators, leaders, opinion leaders and the like from whom you seek counsel. This list is to exorcise the ghosts roaming Port of Spain, while I compile the much larger list for exorcism across the country, and beyond, Dear Mayor. I come, you see, Mr Mayor, to not praise, but bury Columbus, along with the colonial legacy embedded in our psyche, landscapes and institutions and monuments of memory.
More at:


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bridging the Distance in Social Distancing

outh Elderly Post Pandemic Planet Resistance Project: With COVID-19 social distancing, gaps between generations expands as elders become high risk group. GloCal redress actions bridging intergenerational divide.

The new COVID-19 threat is not just a health pandemic but a socio-cultural, economic and political one as well. It is upturning the way of life of the world, leaving many sectors grasping for foundation.
Futuring it may mean that many communities may have to turn inwards towards their own knowledge, skills, experiences, tools and resources to meet their needs.  Join the Global Local Caribbean GloCal COVID Post Pandemic Planet Challenge, FEDs Any Age, Any Interest, Any Community. Stimulating actions and education in preparation for the Post Pandemic Planet. Tips, Tools, Tests, Templates. Sign on at and stay tuned for more #GloCalFEDsCOVIDChallenge #GloCalFEDs #GloCalPostPandemicPlanetChallenge #GloCalPostPandemicPlanet #KrisRampersad Sign up here

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No medal for development of women at national awards

...recommended introduction of the award from the Women Agents of Change initiative it was meant to recognise the contributions to advanceme...