In the beginning it was Ayti and Ayti beget Quesqueya who became Hispaniola in Columbus' journals in which he claimed it for a ruler across the big waters. Following a drunken feast on the intoxicating liquor brought from across the big waters, the ruler and his once-rival held either ends of the wholesome Ayti and pulled her asundar. The rulers clanked glasses and patted each other's backs in brotherly in celebration of their feat in separating one island into two countries, each claiming ownership of the bits they held between their respective fingers, while her life-blood haemorraged through centuries of underdevelopment...the disjointed parts yearning for reunion while post colonial rulers relive the prejudices of their old masters ...
My friends on each side of the divide try to reach out as in Michaelangelo's fresco in the Sistne Chapel at the Vatican of the Creation of Adam following the indigeneous Separation of Light from Darkness, but what religion and politicians and new world Adams have torn asunder, no people can bring together .....
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