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Dr Shadow A Musical Biography in calpyso/poetry see link: https://goo.gl/M3Vwm4 Let's help you create your culture-relevant biography email lolleaves@gmail.com |
Machel Montano may be the happiest man alive among the happiest people in #happynation which must include significant numbers of happy women, too, (if one is to go on his video in which he seems to be the only man alive!) Yet this national state of being is not reflected in the Happy Planet Index nor the World Happiness Report promoted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network initiative of United Nations where Trinidad and Tobago ranks somewhere at number 130 among 151 countries assessed – believe it or not!
But then, Bhutan - the country whose development philosophy is based on Gross National Happiness (as opposed to the standard material assessment: Gross
National Product) and upholds the need for recognition of mental and emotional
wellbeing of citizens as a primary goal of governance – does not even feature
in these global assessments whose methods and assignments of value then become

In fact, the heritage of disapproving mechanisms of state that seem
designed to stampede on the quest for happiness, has established a habitual tug-of-war
between them and the national state of being, so evident in the rebellion,
rejection of authority and its instruments in not only the creative expressions
of Carnival and other aspects of the culture and creative sectors that form the counter culture to governance reflected in Montano’s song of that name, but
which we see in those other areas where we expect order and discipline – in
sports, in schools, even in churches (‘if the priest could play, who is me’!)
for example.
In the five decades since Independence – not unlike the decades that
preceded it - such ingrained challenges to the ideology of governance and the
body politic as oppressive to natural and cultural rights have seen recurring manifestations in the cultural arena – the calypso stage, Carnival (Minshall’s annual
declarations of ‘banning the Savannah’); in Lord Superior’s epic battle with the
State’s approach to media, and in general perceptions of social recalcitrance. Indeed,
it is a long list that underpins the pervasive perception that successive
governments have no control over the society, and the belief too, that maybe
they ought not, as any attempt at what may seem to be an imposition
of order is highly resisted.
The rewrite-the-Constitution process then ought to involve both intensive review that
reflect an understanding of the past that have fed the cultures of antagonisms
and contentions that have ensnared our society in querulous state of high
tension, counter-productive jamming and mash-up mode, so as to allow for re-visioning
and refashioning the emperor’s tools that would help shape our future.
The Honourable President of the Senate in his response to that blog on
futuring acknowledged that the increasing importance of our diaspora therein identified
may be addressed through rethinking the section n the Constitution on
Citizenship (Chapter 2). But the issue is certainly broader and deeper than
that. Our expanding metaphysical borders through diaspora, is only one
component of the dissolution of borders and the challenge to territorial
borders in an expanding global village that has expanded currency in such notions as global citizenship. The notion of citizenship is only one element
that is clamouring for reconsideration in the ideologies of governance in the
world before us.
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Media/Culture Specialist Dr Kris Rampersad speaks at Telecommunications Organisation 25th Anniversary |

Then too, the growing clamour for people and more active civil participation
in governance would have been nowhere in the core thinking of the architects of
a Constitution 50 years ago, then with only a handful of higher-educated doctors and
lawyers, not as now when almost any can be assured of a place in one or other degree mill.

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A poetic calyso tribute toDerek Walcott poetry The Mighty Spoiler link https://goo.gl/WXbMpv |
A top-heavy system with a sluggish implementation machinery is enough
of a foundation for failed statedom, though the finger for such sluggishness
has always instead pointed to the Trini pursuit of happiness – a condition that
usually provokes the authoritative frown of disapproval. In fact, it is often considered
counter-productive though to date no adequate instrument has been designed or
attempted to measure and index the level of energy and value of the creativity emitted
and how that factors into National Happiness as opposed to the GDP/GNP assessments
that place oil and gas as the prime contributors to national development. Incidentally,
the idea of the pursuit of happiness is borrowed from the American Declaration of
Independence and is nowhere stated, nor condoned, in national ideology. Addressing
that dissonance might bring us closer to the Constitution we want for a society
we want.
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Everything you need to know about Trinidad and Tobago in one volume LiTTscapes order at lolleaves@gmail.com |
It is no wonder that the Bill of Rights and the sexual rights lobby has
the reformers', and the media’s, knickers in a twist, so it has surfaced as a core
issue of the Constitutional review process. On that note, it may be well worth
the media’s time to assert its own Fourth Estate rights to be happy and avoid
future worry. As the possible First Estate of the Future, the media has yet to
do justice to engaging the population in the broad range of rich contributions
that have entered the arena of Constitutional Reform discussions and explore proactively
(rather than its accustomed reactivity) and proffer its own recommendations on elements
of the Constitution that so directly impact its operations. Hopefully, that
could be done in measured decibels that would distinguish such discussions and
debates from the (accustomed) noise-making.
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Derek Walcott Nobel PoetTribute See link https://goo.gl/WXbMpv |
Next Blog: Macho? Asexual? Metrosexual? Constitutional
sex appeal to stimulate the body politic. Stay Tuned
This Demokrissy series, The Emperor’s New Tools, continues and builds on the analysis of evolution in our governance, begun in the introduction to my book, Through the Political Glass Ceiling (2010): The Clash of Political Cultures – Cultural Diversity and Minority Politics in Trinidad and Tobago.
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LiTTributes to the Laureates: join the celebrations of Nobelity & Caribbean Thought LeadersDerek Walcott, Sir Vidia Naipaul and more ... email lolleaves@gmail.com |
Read More in tribute... below
See more about new initiatives and multimedia musical and other biographies... to discuss yours email: lolleavesgmail.com
See more about new initiatives and multimedia musical and other biographies... to discuss yours email: lolleavesgmail.com
Related Links:
Website: https://goo.gl/FDLQdg:
Online profile Research Writings Documentaries: https://goo.gl/bqk1Tq
Online profile Research Writings Documentaries: https://goo.gl/bqk1Tq
Musical and Poetic Biography Tributes
Carnivalising the Constitution: People Power and the Pursuit of Happiness Congratulations to Dr Mac
hel Montano: https://goo.gl/Phk7HN
hel Montano: https://goo.gl/Phk7HN
Jus Call Me Cooligan Bois and Bacchanal in Meh Blood: https://goo.gl/MJwgML
Ode to JurisPurdence: https://goo.gl/qm3m3J
Letters to Lizzie: Nikki Minaj/Maharaj Pound the Alarm: https://goo.gl/JXZ442
Like coochoor? The Funeral Scores musical and otherwise: For Sir Vidia Naipaul https://goo.gl/XjtMNs
Reflections Death of Sir Vidia S Naipaul https://goo.gl/o3xVTU
Nobel Tears: Nobel Bard: Derek Walcott Sower in the Sky: https://goo.gl/aKR5pD
Yo Ho Ho Piracy and Heritage: https://goo.gl/TvXOHU
Noble Tears of a Nobel Bard https://goo.gl/WXbMpv
The Human face of constitutional reform https://goo.gl/6escjj
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LiTTscapes - Leadng a Revolution in Learning Literacy and Education with LiTTours & LiTTributes to order email lolleaves@gmail.com |
Related Links:
Nationhood But Can new Save the Nation http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/2017/08/celebrating-nationhood-but-can-we-save.html
Yo Ho ho and a bottle of rumhttps://goo.gl/TvXOHU
Changing the World with Ideas goo.gl/Pa6jAk
Nationhood in contestation with globalisation: http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/2017/08/nationhood-in-contestation-with.html
Nationhood in contestation with globalisation: http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/2017/08/nationhood-in-contestation-with.html
Though the Political Glass Ceiling A revisitionist political biography of Elections in Trinidad and Tobago orders: lolleaves@gmail |
http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com /from-beirut-to-port-of-spain-how-west.html
Exploring a World Through MultiCultural Lenses
Things-that-make-me-go-steups-stars http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/2016/12/things-that-make-me-go-steups-stars.html
The Walcott Files
LiTTscapes for Littribute to the Antilles
A LiTTribute at UNESCO
Inscription by UNESCO of Poems
Small only in Size UNESCO Executive Board told
World in a Fishbowl
A Musical Heritage walk UNESCO Creative Cities
LiTTscapes for Littribute to the Antilles
A LiTTribute at UNESCO
Inscription by UNESCO of Poems
Small only in Size UNESCO Executive Board told
World in a Fishbowl
A Musical Heritage walk UNESCO Creative Cities
- The Archbishop The Priest The Politician & The Journalist
Ask About LiTTscapes,
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LiTTributes to Toronto let's design your intercultural education initiative email lolleaves@gmail.com |

Creating Centres of Peace in Trinidad and Tobago
The Price of Independence:#DanaSeetahalAssassination
Conceive. Achieve. Believe
Demokrissy: Wave a flag for a party rag...Choosing the Emperor's ...
Oct 20, 2013 Choosing the Emperor's New Troops. The dilemma of choice. Voting is supposed to be an exercise in thoughtful, studied choice. Local government is the foundation for good governance so even if one wants to reform the ... http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 - Demokrissy - Blogger
Apr 07, 2013 Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 - Towards Constitutional Reform in T&T. So we've had the rounds of consultations on Constitutional Reform? Are we any wiser? Do we have a sense of direction that will drive ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Valuing Carnival The Emperor's New Tools#2
Apr 30, 2013 Valuing Carnival The Emperor's New Tools#2....http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
See Also:
Demokrissy: Winds of Political Change - Dawn of T&T's Arab Spring
Jul 30, 2013 Wherever these breezes have passed, they have left in their wake wide ranging social and political changes: one the one hand toppling long time leaders with rising decibels from previously suppressed peoples demanding a ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Reform, Conform, Perform or None of the Above cross ...
Oct 25, 2013 Some 50 percent did not vote. The local government elections results lends further proof of the discussion began in Clash of Political Cultures: Cultural Diversity and Minority Politics in Trinidad and Tobago in Through The ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Sounds of a party - a political party
Oct 14, 2013 They are announcing some political meeting or the other; and begging for my vote, and meh road still aint fix though I hear all parts getting box drains and thing, so I vex. So peeps, you know I am a sceptic so help me decide. http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: T&T Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian
Jun 15, 2010 T&T Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian · T&T Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian. Posted by Kris Rampersad at 8:20 AM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: To vote, just how we party … Towards culturally ...
Apr 30, 2010 'How we vote is not how we party.' At 'all inclusive' fetes and other forums, we nod in inebriated wisdom to calypsonian David Rudder's elucidation of the paradoxical political vs. social realities of Trinidad and Tobago. http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: DEADLOCK: Sign of things to come
Oct 29, 2013 An indication that unless we devise innovative ways to address representation of our diversity, we will find ourselves in various forms of deadlock at the polls that throw us into a spiral of political tug of war albeit with not just ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: The human face of constitutional reform
Oct 16, 2013 Sheilah was clearly and sharply articulating the deficiencies in governmesaw her: a tinymite elderly woman, gracefully wrinkled, deeply over with concerns about political and institutional stagnation but brimming over with ... http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Trini politics is d best
Oct 21, 2013 Ain't Trini politics d BEST! Nobody fighting because they lose. All parties claiming victory, all voting citizens won! That's what make we Carnival d best street party in the world. Everyone are winners because we all like ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age - Demokrissy
Jan 09, 2012 New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age | The Communication Initiative Network. New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age | The Communication Initiative Network. Posted by Kris Rampersad ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: T&T politics: A new direction? - Caribbean360 Oct 01, 2010 http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Oct 20, 2013 Choosing the Emperor's New Troops. The dilemma of choice. Voting is supposed to be an exercise in thoughtful, studied choice. Local government is the foundation for good governance so even if one wants to reform the ... http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 - Demokrissy - Blogger
Apr 07, 2013 Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 - Towards Constitutional Reform in T&T. So we've had the rounds of consultations on Constitutional Reform? Are we any wiser? Do we have a sense of direction that will drive ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Valuing Carnival The Emperor's New Tools#2
Apr 30, 2013 Valuing Carnival The Emperor's New Tools#2....http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
See Also:
Demokrissy: Winds of Political Change - Dawn of T&T's Arab Spring
Jul 30, 2013 Wherever these breezes have passed, they have left in their wake wide ranging social and political changes: one the one hand toppling long time leaders with rising decibels from previously suppressed peoples demanding a ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Reform, Conform, Perform or None of the Above cross ...
Oct 25, 2013 Some 50 percent did not vote. The local government elections results lends further proof of the discussion began in Clash of Political Cultures: Cultural Diversity and Minority Politics in Trinidad and Tobago in Through The ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Sounds of a party - a political party
Oct 14, 2013 They are announcing some political meeting or the other; and begging for my vote, and meh road still aint fix though I hear all parts getting box drains and thing, so I vex. So peeps, you know I am a sceptic so help me decide. http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: T&T Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian
Jun 15, 2010 T&T Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian · T&T Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian. Posted by Kris Rampersad at 8:20 AM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: To vote, just how we party … Towards culturally ...
Apr 30, 2010 'How we vote is not how we party.' At 'all inclusive' fetes and other forums, we nod in inebriated wisdom to calypsonian David Rudder's elucidation of the paradoxical political vs. social realities of Trinidad and Tobago. http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: DEADLOCK: Sign of things to come
Oct 29, 2013 An indication that unless we devise innovative ways to address representation of our diversity, we will find ourselves in various forms of deadlock at the polls that throw us into a spiral of political tug of war albeit with not just ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: The human face of constitutional reform
Oct 16, 2013 Sheilah was clearly and sharply articulating the deficiencies in governmesaw her: a tinymite elderly woman, gracefully wrinkled, deeply over with concerns about political and institutional stagnation but brimming over with ... http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: Trini politics is d best
Oct 21, 2013 Ain't Trini politics d BEST! Nobody fighting because they lose. All parties claiming victory, all voting citizens won! That's what make we Carnival d best street party in the world. Everyone are winners because we all like ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age - Demokrissy
Jan 09, 2012 New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age | The Communication Initiative Network. New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age | The Communication Initiative Network. Posted by Kris Rampersad ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: T&T politics: A new direction? - Caribbean360 Oct 01, 2010 http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Others: Demokrissy: Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 ...
Apr 07, 2013
Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 - Towards Constitutional Reform in T&T. So we've had the rounds of consultations on Constitutional Reform? Are we any wiser? Do we have a sense of direction that will drive ...
Demokrissy: Valuing Carnival The Emperor's New Tools#2
Apr 30, 2013
Valuing Carnival The Emperor's New Tools#2.
Wave a flag for a party rag...Choosing the Emperor's New ...
Oct 20, 2013
Choosing the Emperor's New Troops. The dilemma of choice. Voting is supposed to be an ... Old Casked Rum: The Emperor's New Tools#1 - Towards Constitutional Reform in T&T. Posted by Kris Rampersad at 10:36 AM ...
Demokrissy: Carnivalising the Constitution People Power ...
Feb 26, 2014
This Demokrissy series, The Emperor's New Tools, continues and builds on the analysis of evolution in our governance, begun in the introduction to my book, Through the Political Glass Ceiling (2010): The Clash of Political ...
Envisioning outside-the-island-box ... - Demokrissy - Blogger
Feb 10, 2014
This Demokrissy series, The Emperor's New Tools, continues and builds on the analysis of evolution in our governance, begun in the introduction to my book, Through the Political Glass Ceiling (2010): The Clash of Political ...
Demokrissy: Futuring the Post-2015 UNESCO Agenda
Apr 22, 2014
It is placing increasing pressure for erasure of barriers of geography, age, ethnicity, gender, cultures and other sectoral interests, and in utilising the tools placed at our disposal to access our accumulate knowledge and technologies towards eroding these superficial barriers. In this context, we believe that the work of UNESCO remains significant and relevant and that UNESCO is indeed the institution best positioned to consolidate the ..... The Emperor's New Tools ...
Demokrissy: Cutting edge journalism
Jun 15, 2010
The Emperor's New Tools. Loading... AddThis. Bookmark and Share. Loading... Follow by Email. About Me. My Photo · Kris Rampersad. Media, Cultural and Literary Consultant, Facilitator, Educator and Practitioner. View my ...
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@britishcouncil, @britishlibrary, @Royal_Gov_UK, @justintrudeau,
@helenclarkeUNDP, +Google
for Nonprofits @googleartsandculture, @econculture, @commonculture,
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News +BBC News +news@news.ideastap.com +info@takingitglobal.org +Open
Society Foundations @richardbranson,
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Persad-Bissessar , +Prakash
Ramadhar, +John van
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womenshealth, @wsjmag, @people, @fortunemagazine, @ellemagazine,
@oprah, @O_magazine, @OWNTV, @oprahbooklist, @voguemagazine,
@twitterwomen, @womenintheworld, @UN_Women, @womenatforbes,
@womensmediacentre @womensenews,
Others in this series:
Oct 20, 2013 Choosing the
Emperor's New Troops. The dilemma of choice. Voting is supposed to be an
exercise in thoughtful, studied choice. Local government is the foundation for
good governance so even if one wants to reform the ... http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Apr 07, 2013 Old Casked Rum: The
Emperor's New Tools#1 - Towards Constitutional Reform in T&T. So we've had
the rounds of consultations on Constitutional Reform? Are we any wiser? Do we
have a sense of direction that will drive ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
See Also:
Jul 30, 2013 Wherever these
breezes have passed, they have left in their wake wide ranging social and
political changes: one the one hand toppling long time leaders with rising
decibels from previously suppressed peoples demanding a ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Oct 25, 2013 Some 50 percent did
not vote. The local government elections results lends further proof of the
discussion began in Clash of Political Cultures: Cultural Diversity and
Minority Politics in Trinidad and Tobago in Through The ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Oct 14, 2013 They are announcing
some political meeting or the other; and begging for my vote, and meh road
still aint fix though I hear all parts getting box drains and thing, so I vex.
So peeps, you know I am a sceptic so help me decide. http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Jun 15, 2010 T&T
Constitution the culprit | The Trinidad Guardian · T&T Constitution the
culprit | The Trinidad Guardian. Posted by Kris Rampersad at 8:20 AM · Email
ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Apr 30, 2010 'How we vote is not
how we party.' At 'all inclusive' fetes and other forums, we nod in inebriated
wisdom to calypsonian David Rudder's elucidation of the paradoxical political
vs. social realities of Trinidad and Tobago. http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Oct 29, 2013 An indication that
unless we devise innovative ways to address representation of our diversity, we
will find ourselves in various forms of deadlock at the polls that throw us
into a spiral of political tug of war albeit with not just ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Oct 16, 2013 Sheilah was clearly
and sharply articulating the deficiencies in governmesaw her: a tinymite
elderly woman, gracefully wrinkled, deeply over with concerns about political
and institutional stagnation but brimming over with ... http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Oct 21, 2013 Ain't Trini
politics d BEST! Nobody fighting because they lose. All parties claiming
victory, all voting citizens won! That's what make we Carnival d best street
party in the world. Everyone are winners because we all like ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Jan 09, 2012 New Media, New
Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age | The Communication Initiative
Network. New Media, New Civil Society, and Politics in a New Age | The
Communication Initiative Network. Posted by Kris Rampersad ...http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/
Demokrissy: T&T politics: A
new direction? - Caribbean360 Oct 01, 2010 http://kris-rampersad.blogspot.com/